Pond Ripple Theory.



This article is devoted to my own ideas, which I feel answer a lot of the current questions regarding the big bang, critical mass, and the ultimate fate of our universe.

The ideas that follow are based on tons of data, millions of observations, and pages of calculations, none of which was done by me. The groundwork has been done over many years, by people much brighter and devoted than I will ever be. The constituent parts of this theory are well established, I have just looked at them in a different way and come to a different conclusion.


A question of scale.

As any draughtsman will tell you, it is possible to draw absolutely anything on a sheet of A4 paper, just select a suitable scale and a level of detail, and anything no matter how large can be represented. Perhaps the largest thing that can be drawn on a piece of paper and it still be recognised by most educated people, would be the solar system. A central disk surrounded by nine circles, each circle with smaller disks on them, the disk on the third circle would have a smaller disk drawn in orbit. It is so familiar to us that we do not even need to draw it, yet the vast distance across our solar system can

be captured so easily with a suitable scale. If I were to draw on plan a sketch of a spiral arm galaxy, and position a dot on an outer arm, most educated people would realise that the dot represents our solar system. Once we get used to scales we can easily represent what appears to us to be very big, and beyond our normal comprehension. Scales give us a great deal of power, the sketch I described above would be drawn at a scale of approximately 1cm = 10,000 light years, yet we can recognise it almost like an everyday object. To take this concept further, if we draw a group of small spiral galaxies we can represent our local galactic group in relation to say another group, a key may be required at this stage but still the sketch can be easily understood. The biggest jump of all is to simply put a dot in the middle of our paper and label it “our visible universe”, then some distance away add another dot, and then another, perhaps even try to represent a local group of Universe or “big bang events” (BBE’s).  At the scales we are discussing it is pointless to give distances between objects as they would be meaningless, one of our problems in understanding the universe is our compulsion to measure, we require a value, but our methods of measurement are just not up to the job.  The simple way to represent distance is as a ratio, not of speed and time as in light years, but a ratio of distance to another distance. For example we could say that the distance from our galaxy to the Andromeda galaxy is a ratio of 22, that is the diameter of our galaxy divided into the distance between our galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy. It is much easier than saying that the Andromeda galaxy is two point two million light years away. To highlight how useless our Earth based forms of measurement are. If we traveled the distance to the Sun in a car traveling at fifty-five miles per hour, we would have to drive for approximately one hundred and ninety three years. Yet the Sun is a very close object, and a car seems fast, the point is that using inappropriate methods of measurement can

confuse our understanding. I believe we must abandon our ideas of distance when looking at the universe, it has limited our thinking for to long, let us look to ratios and relationships instead.



If as I propose there have been other big bang events (BBE’s), why can we not see them? Well, we cannot even see or identify the edge of our own universe, vastly distant light is so degraded, so to see the light from beyond the edge of our big bang event is not currently possible. Alternatively perhaps our nearest neighbor big bang did not form stars, and is simply an expanding cloud of radiation, or perhaps the light from a local BBE has not reached us yet or has long passed us by. If we can never detect another BBE, then why should we even consider that they might exist? I believe the idea of other BBE’s could solve the debate of weather our universe is open or closed. Our intuition tells us, that as all of nature moves in cycles, so must the universe. That is why we work so hard looking for enough dark matter to close the universe and give us our cycle, the alternative does not fit with our way of things. How can it be that a big bang occurs from nothing, without a trigger, a massive expansion follows which for some reason was not uniform but gives rise to concentrations of matter that form in to galaxy’s. This is then followed by a slow death of all light, to an infinite and eternal cold dark expansion and nothing more. It simply does not seem correct.


A proposal.

I agree we need a cycle of rebirth for the universe, however I remain unconvinced of the closed universe theory, it is to contrived and it is too small.  I believe that an  ancient mass did reach a critical limit and become unstable, resulting in a “big bang”. The big bang produced a huge out pouring of matter, which gave rise to the universe we see today. This universe will continue to expand, as all the fuel available for stars is used, the universe will become dark, galaxies will defuse, so will the dead stars and cold planets and perhaps even the atoms themselves. However this is not the end, it is simply a quiet time, I propose that there are other big bangs similar to ours, at a        

distance relative to say, the distance between the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy, a ratio of twenty-two diameters, the ratio is not important at this stage. If these other big bangs go through a cycle similar to ours, then eventually the expanding frontier of our BBE will encounter another frontier.  Once we have particles moving in opposite directions we will get turbulence, mutual attraction and a slowing of the expansion’s in that area and an eddy of material will form. Once this process has started, it will grow like a chain reaction, initially two opposing particles will be slowed by mutual attraction and then they will circle each other in orbit. This will then have a greater influence on other particles from both frontiers, now we have the seed of our next BBE. From the modest beginning of two particles moving in opposite directions, would quickly build a foam like whirlpool of particles. The raw material would come from at least two BBE’s so finding enough matter to build a new critical mass, would not be a problem, in fact too much matter is likely to be attracted. This cross-pollination of two universes would start the whole process again, it would build until critical then burst into life as a new Big Bang Event.  Even as the new big bang takes place, matter would still be pouring in, perhaps failed big bang embryos or other concentrations of matter such as black holes would arrive too late for the start of the new cycle. The new expansion would sweep all before it, but late incoming matter would create enough disruption to the smooth expansion, that again eddy’s would form, this could give rise to the formation of galaxies in strings and clusters.

To give a simple illustration, think of a calm pond, throw a small stone into the middle of the pond and watch the waves expand in a smooth circle away the impact point. Now think of the calm pond again but this time throw several small stones into the pond, initially each impact is similar to the first single stone, a smooth circular wave rolls from the centre of the impact. However when two waves cross we get turbulence, similar size waves stop each other’s progress, a larger wave may over power a smaller one but would be deformed in the process. Imagine these pond     

ripples in three dimensions, now imagine these 3D ripples as BBE’s trying to over power one another, their frontiers crashing into each other, slowing and disrupting the once smooth expansion.


Critical Mass.

Why would a mass become critical?  There may be many reasons that we cannot even begin to imagine but if our big bang embryo were spinning, as is most likely, attracted matter would circle in to the ever-growing central body, in a disc of spinning matter. As this matter is drawn into the centre its velocity would increase. Our embryo will grow to become a black hole, and continue to grow as more matter falls in and the mass of the black hole grows. However as the mass of the black hole grows, so will its rate of spin, its gravity, and therefore speed of the attracted matter. What happens when the rotational speed at the surface of the black hole approaches the speed of light? We believe that nothing can exceed the speed of light, yet our black hole cannot avoid it. It attracts more matter, which will add to its mass, and its density, increasing its spin speed, if it shrinks under its own gravity, it outside edge speed will increase. It may be that our black hole can no longer function, it has to grow because matter is drawn by its gravity, but it cannot go any faster. We may have a critical mass.                                                                                                                     

To recap.

I propose a cycle of the universe as follows.

1,         A critical mass explodes, a big bang event (B.B.E.).

2,         In falling matter, attracted to the critical mass that has now exploded causes turbulence in the new expanding universe, this gives rise to eddy’s of matter which give us galaxy formations.

3,         The universe expands sweeping all before it. Stars and planetary systems evolve, this is where we are today.

4,         In time all energy is burnt, the universe becomes cold and dark, but continues to expand.

5,         The frontier of the dark expanding BBE encounters another frontier of an expanding BBE.

6,            Particles moving in opposite directions slow each other and eventually form an orbit.

7,         This seed attracts other passing particles, this group can only grow.

8,         An almost unlimited supply of matter gives rise to a new critical mass.

9,         return to item 1.


Recent work looking at distant super nova and comparing their red shift, has

indicated that the expansion of the universe is accelerating rather than slowing.

This is the opposite of what was expected by the closed universe community. It has been proposed that the Einstein cosmological constant be resurrected to give a new force that is driving the expansion. This mysterious new force is needed to fit the

observed facts, much the same as Ptolemy invented epicycles to solve the strange movement of planets.

With the multi BBE theory, there is mass outside our observable universe and therefore external gravity. This external gravity would have a great effect on our universe, I think that our universe is not being pushed apart but is being pulled by other B.B.E.’s. Exactly what is being observed.