Up Sheriff Amp Peavey Raptor Historic Kart

This Peavey Raptor is my sons first guitar, he is a lefty, I play guitar as a  righty, although I am left handed!

This may explain the way I play!  I should not have listened to my guitarist mates and music shop keepers all those years ago , I am left handed give me a F***ing left handed guitar and don't charge me 15% more for the privilege. So it was like deja vu when I took my son shopping for his first guitar. 

The shops advised me to make my son play right handed as there will be more choice of guitars, (that he cant play properly because he's left handed, who are you trying to help here).  So ignoring them completely I stumped up a modest amount of cash for a plum metallic left handed Peavey Raptor.

The neck was nicely finished, the frets smooth with out any buzz, the pick-ups seemed ok at music shop volumes and anyway he would probably pack it all in with in month, or so I thought.

Go to the Vigilante page to see where it all went within a few years, yes I am very proud, yes my son is very talented, no I will never be able to play like him, no I'm not bitter? He now has other guitars, big amps, lots of gigs, but what has happened to the humble Peavey.

It was still being played a lot, it still has a great action, good intonation and at low volumes a decent sound, but at high volume it got a bit messy, so I offered to install a new pick-up.

But it didn't stop there.